Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fitness Tips

5 Tips to Get YOU Started on your fitness routine:

CHANGE - If you need to start moving DO IT! If you’re an active person remember to change your routine every 5-7 weeks for the best results.

(Better yet sign-up for one of my classes or a training session to refresh your fitness goals.)

HUNGER – Get in touch with your hunger. Stop eating so much! A simple reduction in portion size can make a huge difference especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

GOALS - The magic of intention works. Goals will help you develop focus, desire and purpose which are the driving force behind your success. Ask yourself - What do you want? When do you want it? Why do you want it?

LET GO - If it hasn’t worked by now, it never will!! Let go of the old! Try something fresh and new. Think about the arm exercises you have been doing for the past (5) months are they working? Probably not! The body needs and wants new motion and movement. Changing your exercises is essential for ultimate results. If you haven’t pick-up a Kettlebell NOW is the time to bring in the new! (Please visit to make your purchase.)

ORDER OF MOVEMENT - Doing Abs/Arms before Back, Hips and Shoulders is not efficient. First work on compound movements (pull-ups, shoulder press and squats) before isolation movements (curls, crunches, etc.) For best results spend more time on high payoff compound exercises. If you have any questions about order of movement or any of my (5) tips, please email me at