Being a Z- Health Master Trainer part of my job involves helping people make healthy life style changes and improvements in quality of life and without a blue print or tools it makes the job that much harder. Mark Goulston’s Just Listen: Discover the secret to getting thorough to absolutely anyone, provides just those tools. Goulston not only lays out ways to better communicate with people he also brings his personal stories of how the tools worked for him.
Just Listen falls into the read list along with Prochaska’s Changing for Good, Petterson’s Crucial Conversations and Motivational Interviewing in health care for anyone who talks to people and has to problem solve personal and professional problems. Each chapter ends with usable insights and action steps, making it easier for the reader to know the take home parts from each chapter and also acts as a quick reference instead of skimming the whole book. I myself find myself always coming back to the Making people feel felt” chapter in the book time and time again.
Overall the concepts and skills taught in the book are things that just take some practice to get good at and give you immeasurable results in communication and listening